15 x 20cm - 6" x 8"
No longer available
What, if I missed a block?
There are two ways to get it.
You have to sew!
I know, quilters are also collectors. But collecting is not enough this time! Send me a photo or scanned image of an already sewn block (right side up) and I will send you in return the missing block.- At the same time we offer the complete collection for sale. The proceeds go completely as a donation to the Deutscher Kinderschutzbund.
You find more information about that project on the page
Kaffeeduft - The smell of coffee.
The blocks shown here in the preview are intended only as arrangement
sketches, and are not always 100% consistent with the actual templates.
Your block will look like the sewed block above.
You find the other blocks at: Claudia Hasenbach Regina Grewe
Dear Quilter!
Unfortunately, there's no gallery here for time reasons!
You find great galleries on the pages of Regina and Claudia,
and both are happy to display your photos.
Please send Regina photos of your blocks in one mail when you finished
all the blocks of one month.
Claudias Gallery
Reginas Gallery